
Showing the Value of Green Building

If you're in the business of green building or promoting sustainable building and communities, check out our new guide that has recently been added to Demonstrating Value's Resource Library.  In it you'll find guidance on approaches to monitoring and assessing the mission-related impacts of green building and community design, which may be relevant for social enterprises (and programs) that seek to:

Surprise! You’ve been ranked: What we can learn about performance measurement from media-driven ranking

When CBC’s Fifth Estate program launched Rate my Hospital last week, I couldn't help but immediately look up the grade of my hospital across the street.  I felt smug that Eagle Ridge wasn't one of the Lower Mainland's batch of terribly ranked hospitals.  But should I really sleep better? 

Is measuring impact possible?

When you hear the word “impact”, what comes to mind? While your first thoughts may include that kickboxing class you just joined, it is it is also true that the term “impact” is often used loosely to encompass any type of reporting about the social or environmental mission of an organization. In the world of evaluation, this word has a much ‘tighter’ meaning:  Impact is the tracking of long-term outcomes, controlling for external influences, or using randomized control trials to prove that the outcomes are attributable to a particular organization’s efforts.

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